Pamela Wisniewski

CSCW 2014

CSCW 2014 Presentations

I hope to see you at CSCW 2014 next week!  I will be presenting a paper as a first author and a poster as second author:

Adolescent Online Safety: The “Moral” of the Story

Pamela Wisniewski. Heng Xu, Mary Beth Rosson, and John Carroll – The Pennsylvania State University

Adolescence is characterized by heightened risk-taking and independence from parents; these tendencies seem to be magnified by the opportunities afforded through online interactions. Drawing on Kohlberg’s Cognitive Moral Development (CMD) theory, we conduct a qualitative study of 12 parent-adolescent dyads that examines the interplay between parenting behaviors and adolescent moral development. We show an association between adolescent moral judgment and online behavior, and we illustrate how parenting style and mediation strategies influence teens’ moral growth and decision making about online behaviors. We also note that parental mediation strategies are moderated by parents’ digital literacy: reduced digital literacy is associated with more restrictive or indulgent strategies; while more digitally competent parents are more likely to monitor and mediate their teen’s behaviors as they engage online. We also found that experience, not restriction, facilitates the teen’s moral growth.

Designing the Default Privacy Settings for Facebook Applications

Na Wang, Pamela Wisniewski, Heng Xu, and Jens Grossklags – The Pennsylvania State University

By framing privacy as contextual integrity [5], we performed an online experiment to explore how the default settings of a Facebook app’s privacy notice would impact a user’s information disclosure behavior and privacy perception. In our between-subject experimental design, we provided four variations of default settings for a Birthday App on Facebook. Our preliminary findings suggest that default privacy settings that are context-relevant may help users make better informed privacy decisions, increase their likelihood of engaging with an app, and improve their privacy perceptions of the app.

Safe travels to Baltimore.  I hope this snow lets up by then!

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