Pamela Wisniewski

Props to my HCI Lab


I am really excited to be part of such as great HCI community at UNCC.  Our HCI Lab is run by Heather Lipford and Celine Latulipe.  They started the lab about the same time I started the PhD program at UNCC, but I didn’t find them until about 2008.  Anyway, I am impressed by the caliber of the PhD students and most of all the sense of community that I haven’t had previously during my PhD studies.  Case in point, I am currently teaching a class in Human-Computer Interaction.  It is a five week intensive course that meets Monday through Friday and walks students through understanding users and gathering requirements, the interface design, and evaluation processes.  Tomorrow, I am having my students do an in-class exercise to practice discount evaluation techniques such as heuristic evaluation and cognitive walkthroughs; both require HCI Experts.  I sent an email out to my lab mates a few days before class, and I already have three volunteers who are coming in out of the goodness of their hearts to help me facilitate this exercise with my students.  I can’t say enough about the importance of being part of a community, and I am glad I finally found that community here at UNCC.  Woot!

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