Pamela Wisniewski

Reconciling Privacy with Social Media, Last CFP

Reconciling Privacy with Social Media, Last CFP

Now that Thanksgiving is over, if you are fervently writing your position papers for our CSCW workshop Reconciling Privacy with Social Media, we are accepting papers until Midnight EST tonight (Monday November 28th).  Please send them to me at

We have received quite a few great submissions for far, and we are looking forward to reading them all!  We plan to get decisions back to authors by December 14th so that everyone attending can make the CSCW early registration deadline.



CFP: Reconciling Privacy with Social Media

Official CSCW 2012 Workshop Website

Here is the official website with deadlines for our Call for Position Papers for our CSCW Workshop:

Please contact me if you have any questions!

CSCW Workshop Accepted

Reconciling Privacy with Social Media

Yay, our CSCW 2012 workshop proposal on Reconciling Privacy with Social Media has been accepted! The suggested deadline for collecting workshop position papers will be November 25, 2011. However, there will be more details to come.  If you are interested in making a submission, please come back as I will post updates with a link to the workshop website once we have it up and running. A special thanks to my co-authors Heather, Kelly, Lorraine, and Cliff as well as our program committee.


Productive or Perish!

Qualitative Research Tools

For those who have asked me my approach to qualitative research, here are some tool tips:

Recording Interviews

Skype with Pamela Call Recorder (gotta love the name) or Google Voice Call Recording (However, it has the pesky habit of losing your interview about 5% of the time)

Transcribing Interviews

InqScribe in conjunction with Windows Speech Recognition (Vista or above). WSR comes for free with the OS and works with about a 90% accuracy.  If you aren’t happy with that, try buying Dragon Speak Naturally (there are websites that sell an academic version for about $85).  However, don’t think you can just feed your audio recording into any speech recognition program.  No, you will need to train it to your voice and repeat your interview to be transcribed. Sorry.

Coding Interviews

Atlas.ti. I like Atlas because it lets you query based on your codes and is considerably cheaper to get an academic license than NVivo (I wonder why they changed their name from NUDist? Hmm.)

Tracking References

EndNote (Happily, UNCC provides this license to students for free!)

Happy researching!

Research Update

I just submitted a manuscript to a special call for papers in ISJ, and my next project is writing a paper on coping mechanisms to submit to CHI 2012 that is due late September. Meanwhile, I am operationalizing the survey for my second dissertation study examining the impact of awareness and burden on the privacy paradox between end users’ privacy desires and their actual behavior. Submitting a poster to iConference 2012 may be a possibility, time permitting.

Other News

On a sad note, Mike’s grandfather is not doing very well after a failed heart surgery, so please keep him and Mike’s grandmother in your thoughts and prayers.  We will probably be making a trip back up to Grand Rapids in the near future.  I will be teaching a class on using Facebook for Seniors at Conner Financial in September. We also have plans for a Caribbean cruise on the horizon, and we will be bringing my mom and her boyfriend Watson. Otherwise, I am not busy at all. 🙂


AMCIS Presentations

AMCIS 2011

I will be presenting 2 full papers at AMCIS next week:

Technology Overload: Gender-based Perceptions of Knowledge Worker Performance

Session Title:  Global, International, and Cultural Issues in IS (IV)
Session Location:  Joliet B
Session Time:  August 6, 2011 from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM – 8:30 AM?  Really??

A New Social Order: Mechanisms for Social Network Site Boundary Regulation

Session Title:  Human Computer Interaction (HCI) (X)
Session Location:  Richard A
Session Time:  August 6, 2011 from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM


I am also participating in the Doctoral Consortium that will be held at Oakland University Wednesday and Thursday.  If you can’t make my presentations, you will probably be able to find me working 10-12 hours as a student volunteer so that they would waive my registration fees.  I just hope if they give us t-shirts that they won’t be bright red like the ones they gave us for CHI 2008 in Boston. I am happy to say I have a few interviews set up for the conference.  I am excited about the possible opportunities. Next week will be a busy week, but I am looking forward to it!

CSCW Workshop Proposal – Social Media Privacy

CSCW 2012 Workshop Proposal

We are submitting a workshop proposal for CSCW 2012 concerning Privacy in Social Media.  Here is the abstract of the extended abstract:

Social media is the one of the newest among many ways individuals manage their social interactions with others. When the benefits of using social media are examined, it is rare that they are linked back to privacy. However, when framed correctly, privacy can be a means to enhance social media outcomes opposed to impeding them.  This workshop broadens the lens of social media privacy to examine the benefits and outcomes of interactional privacy as they relate to social media goals. The workshop will also focus on designing for social media interfaces that are responsive to end users’ changing privacy needs.

This workshop has generated quite a bit of interest as we have five co-authors/organizers and a ten member program committee (even before the workshop has been accepted)!


Program Committee

  • Coye Cheshire, University of California Berkeley
  • Catherine Dwyer, Pace University
  • Woodrow Hartzog, Samford University
  • Adam Joinson, University of Bath
  • Jen King, University of California Berkeley
  • Airi Lampinen, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT & University of Helsinki
  • Deirdre Mulligan, University of California Berkeley
  • Fred Stutzman, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Janice Tsai, Microsoft
  • Michael Zimmer, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

So, now, all we need is for the workshop to be accepted so that we can start writing up a CFP.


Props to my HCI Lab


I am really excited to be part of such as great HCI community at UNCC.  Our HCI Lab is run by Heather Lipford and Celine Latulipe.  They started the lab about the same time I started the PhD program at UNCC, but I didn’t find them until about 2008.  Anyway, I am impressed by the caliber of the PhD students and most of all the sense of community that I haven’t had previously during my PhD studies.  Case in point, I am currently teaching a class in Human-Computer Interaction.  It is a five week intensive course that meets Monday through Friday and walks students through understanding users and gathering requirements, the interface design, and evaluation processes.  Tomorrow, I am having my students do an in-class exercise to practice discount evaluation techniques such as heuristic evaluation and cognitive walkthroughs; both require HCI Experts.  I sent an email out to my lab mates a few days before class, and I already have three volunteers who are coming in out of the goodness of their hearts to help me facilitate this exercise with my students.  I can’t say enough about the importance of being part of a community, and I am glad I finally found that community here at UNCC.  Woot!

Presenting at AMCIS 2011

AMCIS Doctoral Consortium

I will be presenting two papers at AMCIS 2011 in Detroit this coming August as well as attending their Doctoral Consortium!  I will be talking about my dissertation research on interpersonal boundary regulation within Online Social Networks and presenting some older work on gender perspectives of technology overload on knowledge worker productivity.  Let me know if you are going to be there too! For any other AMCIS DC participants, we now have a Facebook Group.

I will also be participating in job placement activities as I am looking for a tenure-track faculty position starting Fall 2012.  So, if you happen to be from a school with a posting, please feel free to contact me to set up some time to talk at AMCIS!

ABD, Baby!

Proposal Defense, Done.

2011 has been a busy year!!  I taught two sections of ITIS 2300 in the Spring but somehow managed to successfully defend my dissertation proposal on Cinco de Mayo.  Now, I am officially ABD! This, of course, is surreal to me given that I just chose my dissertation topic (after switching departments and an unsuccessful and unhappy attempt at Geoviz research) less than a year ago.  Anyway, the day after my proposal defense, I flew to Vancouver to attend the pre-conference workshop on Networked Privacy at CHI 2011.  The summer class I am teaching started the following Monday, and two days later I flew to Philadelphia to attend the CTS 2011 Doctoral Colloquium.  So, this week, I have just been trying to catch my breath.  Oh yeah, and teach 5 days a week and schedule interviews for my research. This is going to be a fun summer!